Dining Table

by  the thought
that I could lose love,
that I may hurt you,

I resist my urge
to run...

I will not
turn my back
in indifference or anger.

I will not
slam the door shut.

I will not
find a reason to leave you

standing alone in the cold
and in pain.

I will not
lock myself in
or retreat into "my work".

There will be no excuses...

For you will always find
before you
in fullness and honesty
ready and willing
to lay every last detail
upon our dining table.

Eat with me.
Share the food.
Be nourished
by what is offered
and real.

Maybe, just maybe...

we will find
some hidden flavor
we've never before

or savored!

Martha Meshberg
Copyright ©2001
Marty's Card Shop
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